April is here and bringing warmer weather, blooming flowers, and a reminder to start your spring cleaning. We wanted to share a few spring cleaning tips for your dog (or cat) and all of their gear.
Bedding, blankets and toys – You can wash your pet’s bedding and blankets in your washing machine at home, or take them to a laundromat to use a large-capacity washer, depending on the size and care instructions. Opt for gentle, unscented laundry detergent and forgo the fabric softener and dryer sheets to avoid possible skin irritation for your dog. Also remember that toys should be inspected and cleaned periodically. If there are any loose or broken pieces on a dog toy, it’s probably time to replace it. Dirty toys that are otherwise in good condition may be washed by hand, in a washing machine, or in a dishwasher, depending on the material. Check the care instructions if available.
Crates and carriers – It’s recommended that crates & carriers are cleaned weekly if they are used on a regular basis. You can use a mild disinfectant, but be sure to rinse off thoroughly afterward and let air dry to get rid of fumes that may bother your dog. A gentler option would be to use warm soapy water (dish soap can be used) and allow to dry completely.
Food and water bowls – Some vets recommend washing pet food and water bowls daily, while others recommend at least weekly. Wash by hand with hot water and soap or send it through the dishwasher to clean and sanitize. For Stainless Steel dishes, we recommend washing them by hand, just as you would your pots and pans.
Collars and leashes – These items are often overlooked, but they do collect dirt over time. These can usually be washed in the washing machine as well. Consider putting a leash inside of a garment bag to prevent it from getting tangled up with the rest of the laundry.
Organizing their gear – If your dog’s toys do not have a designated place to be stored, consider getting an open basket or bin large enough to fit all of their toys in, and putting it on the floor in the room where the toys are most played with. Some dogs are trained to put their toys back when they are done playing (at a human’s request) which is great when you’ve been working hard to get your house clean and organized!
Cleaning Your Pet
Shedding – While most dogs (and cats) shed year-round, you may notice the shedding more in the spring as they get rid of their winter coat. DogServices offers a FURMINATOR bath which is a great option for heavy shedders.
Bathing & more – Good hygiene is important for dogs’ overall health, and DogServices is happy to help our furry customers on that front! We can bathe your dog, brush their teeth, clean out their ears, and clip their nails while they are in our care, saving you the time (and hassle) of cleaning up your pup, from head to tail.
Cleaning Your House
While you’re cleaning the rest of your house, please remember to keep your cleaning supplies out of the reach of your pets. It goes without saying that many household cleaners are toxic to pets (and people) if ingested. Double check the labels on cleaning products for any risks to you or your pets. Keywords to look for include “danger” and “warning,” as these words typically indicate products with higher toxicity levels or potent ingredients. Call a vet or the Animal Poison Hotline right away if you suspect your pet has ingested any toxic or potentially toxic substance.
Animal Poison Hotline: 1-888-232-8870 ($35.00 charge per incident). The Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sources: VetStreet, PetSmart, Boston.com